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Breast Surgery Revision

Over time, the breasts continue to change, whether augmentation surgery was performed or not. While breast augmentation surgery is a successful procedure that can improve the shape and size of the breasts, revisions may still be necessary in the future in order to maintain breast health and appearance.

At Cosmetic Surgical Arts serving the Seattle/Bellevue area, Dr. Don Wortham performs breast revision surgery with a high rate of patient satisfaction. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out if you are a candidate for breast surgery revision.

Why is Breast Surgery Revision Performed?

Even after breast augmentation is performed, the breasts may still undergo several changes, such as:

Breast surgery revision is performed to maintain the health and appearance of your breasts when these complications occur, and Dr. Wortham will assess your individual condition and create a customized surgical plan that is tailored completely to you. The extent of your procedure is completely dependent on the level of correction that is needed, but Dr. Wortham will plan incisions carefully to result in as little scarring as possible.

When Should You Consider Breast Surgery Revision?

Your treatment options can be discussed with Dr. Wortham during your consultation.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Surgery Revision?

Women who are experiencing breast implant discomfort, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction and who are in good health, do not smoke, have no contraindicating medical conditions that could impair surgery or healing, and who have realistic expectations for surgery may be good candidates for this procedure.

During your consultation with Dr. Wortham, these factors and more will be considered to help you determine whether breast surgery revision is right for you.

What is the Recovery Like?

The extent and duration of your recovery after surgery will depend on the level of correction that is necessary, but Dr. Wortham will advise you on how much time you should take for healing and recovery, when you can expect to return to normal activities, whether surgical drains will be placed, and how much bruising and swelling can be expected afterward.

Contact Cosmetic Surgical Arts today to schedule a consultation today and find out if you are a candidate for breast surgery revision.

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