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Brow Lift


Are you experiencing lines and wrinkles in the forehead that cause you to appear constantly tired, sad, or angry? At Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center, Dr. Donald Wortham can help erase visible signs of aging on your face and restore a more youthful appearance with brow lift surgery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation serving Seattle and Bellevue.

What is a Brow Lift?

While facelift surgery can smooth and tighten the entire face, some men and women experience visible signs of aging primarily in the forehead and brow areas. Brow lift surgery specifically targets these areas and corrects multiple facial skin imperfections such as:

While injectable treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic can temporarily relax wrinkles and lines, brow lift surgery provides a longer-lasting solution. Although brow lift surgery is a successful standalone procedure, it can also be performed with eyelid and other procedures in order to maximize results. These options can be discussed with Dr. Wortham during your consultation.

What Can I Expect During Surgery?

Brow lifts can typically be performed with either local anesthesia and intravenous sedation or general anesthesia depending on patient preference. Although your individual procedure may differ depending on the level of correction that is necessary, a traditional brow lift involves an incision from the top of one ear to the other through the hairline to reduce visible scarring.

After the incision is created, Dr. Wortham will trim excess skin, smooth underlying muscles, and rejuvenate your appearance with results that look natural and never exaggerated or overdone. The skin is then redraped and sutured into place.

Minimally-Invasive Brow Lift Surgery

Depending on your individual skin condition, a less invasive brow lift alternative may be possible. This procedure involves several small incisions through the scalp in order to lift and elevate the forehead, and this option can be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Wortham.

What is Recovery Like?

After brow lift surgery, your forehead may be taped or bandaged in order to reduce swelling. Bruising may also be present for several weeks afterward. Doctor Wortham will provide instructions on how to care for your incision sites as well as when you can return to work and other activities. You may also experience mild discomfort, which is typically managed by prescription medications.

Results may vary, but the results of brow lift surgery can last for several years. This procedure cannot completely prevent the aging process, but a good skincare regimen can help add longevity to your smoother, younger-looking profile.

Contact Cosmetic Surgical Arts today to schedule a consultation and find out if you are a candidate for brow lift surgery. Your #1 provider of Brow Lifts in Seattle, Bellevue and nearby areas.

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