Site icon Cosmetic Surgical Arts

Silhouette InstaLift

Minimally Invasive Facelift

Cosmetic medical techniques have advanced greatly in recent years providing options for patients not quite ready for a full face-lift. Until now minimally invasive procedures to lift the deeper layers of mid-facial skin have not been available.  The Silhouette InstaLift is a solution for patients looking for quick results and little recovery time. Dr. Wortham provides this new and innovative procedure which allows you to get back to your usual routine the same day.

Silhouette InstaLift is a simple procedure to re-contour your face by lifting the deeper layers of your skin for a more youthful appearance.  During the procedure the physician will use sutures with bidirectional cones to re-position and elevate the skin on your face. Over time the sutures will naturally be absorbed by your body while stimulating production of collagen.

Dr. Wortham will discuss whether this technique is suitable for you and will create a personalized treatment plan in a consultation.

For more information schedule a consultation today!

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