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Sclerotherapy-cosmetic-surgical-arts-lynnwood-mount-vernon-seattle-washingtonSclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat varicose and spider veins. These unsightly veins are treated by injecting a sclerosant solution into the damaged veins, causing irritation and eventual collapse of the affected veins. Sclerotherapy has been used throughout the world since the 1930s and remains the primary effective treatment for varicose and spider veins.

Sclerotherapy is performed to reduce the unsightly appearance of varicose and spider veins. The affected veins are injected with a sclerosant solution, which causes the veins to eventually collapse and become absorbed into the bloodstream. This safe procedure can be performed in our office, typically at the time of the consultation.

Anesthesia is not needed for sclerotherapy, which typically causes a mild burning sensation at most. After the skin is cleaned with an antiseptic solution, the sclerosant is injected into the affected veins with a very fine needle. The number of injections per session varies based on the number and length of the damaged veins. After the sclerotherapy procedure, cotton balls and compression tape are applied to the injection site(s).

After sclerotherapy, most patients can immediately return work and other day-to-day activities the very same day. Exercise and other strenuous activities, however, should be avoided for 7 to 10 days. Compression bandages may need to be worn for a few days after the procedure, and some patients may experience mild bruising and pigmentation following sclerotherapy; these side effects usually subside within a few days.

The results of sclerotherapy are usually fully visible after 3 to 6 weeks. Most patients are satisfied with the results. To preserve the results of sclerotherapy, patients should maintain an active, healthy life after the procedure.

While sclerotherapy is a safe procedure, there are certain risks associated with any procedure. These may include lumpy veins, raised red areas, brown lines or spots, swelling, allergic reactions, or infection. Our doctors will discuss all these risks with you and address any other concerns you may have about the procedure. Visit your #1 provider of Sclerotherapy in Seattle, Bellevue and nearby areas.

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