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Reduce the Appearance of Cherry Angiomas with Diolite Laser

Diolite laser

There are two main reasons why individuals want to get rid of imperfections on their skin. First, smooth skin that is free of raised bumps, moles, acne and other imperfections is attractive. It is a sign of youth and vitality. Second, there are some growths that are not only unattractive looking, but there are health risks that are associated with them.

For example, when a person has an abnormal growth, there is always the concern that it may turn cancerous. For this reason, when a person has abnormal growths on their face, neck or on other parts of their body, they want to visit a medical professional in order to have these problems treated. When a person is dealing with cherry angiomas, the Diolite laser can help to reduce their appearance.

What is a Diolite Laser? 

This is a small, handheld laser that allows a skilled professional to direct energy at a specific site. The laser light is absorbed by the bright red blood cells that carry oxygen and also the skin pigment. The heat absorption that is generated by the handheld laser causes the removal of unwanted cells. It leaves healthy cells completely intact.

What Conditions Can Be Treated with the Diolite Laser?

This handheld device can be used to treat a wide range of skin imperfections and growths. It can be used to treat cherry angiomas, which are slightly raised, red lesions that appear on the face and in other parts of the body. It can also be used to treat spider angiomas, which are also slightly raised, but they are red, spider-like lesions. The Diolite laser is also used to treat spider veins that occur on the face as a result of the dilation of capillary vessels.

The Diolite laser can be used to remove skin tags. It can treat liver spots or sunspots, which are the result of spending too much time in the sun. You can talk with our medical professionals to find out if your liver spots or sunspots can be treated with this laser. Pigmented lesions can also be treated. This includes freckles, keratosis and the small black marks that are usually seen on individuals who are of African or Asian descent.

The Diolite laser has been able to help reduce the appearance of cherry angiomas and a variety of other skin growths. To find out if this treatment is right for you, set up a consultation at the Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center, with locations in Lynnwood and Mount Vernon. We will be happy to evaluate your skin’s condition and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more.

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