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The Benefits of Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation

fat transfer

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed by surgeons.

There are numerous methods to perform this procedure. Some carry unintended side effects and additional risks of complications.

Fat transfer for breast augmentation exists as one of the types of breast augmentation surgeries that carries the lowest risk of complications. This makes it safe, effective and natural for augmenting breasts.

How Does Fat Transfer Work for Breast Augmentations?

Breast augmentations via fat transfer works by taking fat from one area of your body and transferring it to your breasts. These procedures are minimally invasive, leave less scarring than other procedures, and have a minimal impact on the breast.

The procedure itself is fairly simple. Fat is removed from your hips, abdomen or another fat-dense part of your body and then inserted in your breasts after an incision is made. The fat has to be inserted in an amount that does not create stretch marks or other unsightly effects for the best results.

Depending on the technique used, anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of the fat cells moved during this procedure can survive. Fat cells that survive for a lengthy time what produce long term results..

The Benefits of Fat Transfer Over Other Breast Augmentation Procedures

Fat transfer offers numerous advantages over other types of breast augmentation procedures. To better understand these advantages, let’s examine some of the risks associated with these procedures.

The many benefits of fat transfer for breast augmentation stem from the nature of fat cells. They come from your body, which means that they retain maximum biocompatibility.

These benefits include:

The Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center is dedicated to meeting the cosmetic needs of our patients. We have extensive experience with breast augmentation, liposuction, and other related procedures. To find out if fat transfer would be right for you or if you’re considering breast augmentation, contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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