Last year, nose jobs, or rhinoplasties, were the third most popular cosmetic surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. If you have a scheduled procedure coming up with Dr. Wortham or are considering going under the knife to change the shape, size or general appearance of your nose, it’s important to consider a […]
Recovery Tips After Rhinoplasty
The nose is a complicated part of the body made up of cartilage, bone and soft tissue. A rhinoplasty, or nose job, surgery is complex, and recovery can sometimes be challenging. Here are a few tips to help make recovery as comfortable as possible. Take Plenty of Time Off to Recover The most important part […]
Celebrities Open Up About Their Nose Jobs
The days of being embarrassed about or hiding cosmetic procedures are almost completely behind us. More and more women and men are turning to cosmetic surgery to look and feel their best, and they aren’t ashamed of it anymore. How do we know? There’s no more sneaking around or trying to keep everything under wraps. […]
Reshape Your Nose with Rhinoplasty in Lynnwood
Most people have a part of them that they do not like. For some people, it is their lips or their eyes. Other people want to change their profile a little by changing the shape of their nose. This can be done with a rhinoplasty at Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center in Lynnwood and Mount Vernon. […]
This Year’s Plastic Surgery Trends
While there’s no way to know what procedures will rank highest in 2018, Dr. Wortham and his team have some ideas about what procedures will be trending this year. Thanks to social media, learning about new ways to look and feel your best has never been easier. All it takes is one celebrity or influencer […]
These Celebrities Inspire Nose Jobs All Around the World
Celebrities have long inspired cosmetic surgery trends. One of the most famous in recent years was Kylie Jenner’s transformation from thin to full lips, which was brought to light even more with the launch of her lip kit product line. But when it comes to noses, unless you’ve struggled with self-confidence issues surrounding your own […]
What is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is a surgical procedure done to reshape the nose. During this procedure, our surgeon can make the nose bigger or smaller or give it a more attractive shape. Most rhinoplasties are aesthetic or done for cosmetic reasons, while some are functional or done to correct deformities caused by birth or injury. […]
Enhance Your Facial Proportions with a Rhinoplasty Procedure
Your nose is one of the first features that people notice about you. If you feel your nose is dominating your face or negatively affecting your appearance in some way, a rhinoplasty procedure could bring your nose into balance with the rest of your facial proportions and improve your overall look. How the Procedure is […]
Reshape Your Nose with Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery is commonly called a nose job. It’s a safe and effective procedure to change the way your nose looks. If you have a large, dominant nose, you may like to make it smaller, so your other features are not overshadowed. You may want to change the shape or the tip. However, rhinoplasty […]
Balance out Your Facial Features with Nose Surgery
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nose reshaping was the second-most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States in 2014. With over 217,000 performed in one year, it is easy to see that many people are unhappy with the aesthetic appearance of their noses. Part of this dissatisfaction may be caused by the […]