Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world and has been for many years. There are a few things to consider when thinking about having the procedure done that can help you prepare for your initial consultation appointment.
Implant Type
There are two types of implants to choose from when considering a breast augmentation. The best option for you depends on your body and desired outcome. Both options are made of silicone shells but are filled with different material, either saline or silicone gel.
Silicone implants often create a more natural look and feel similar to breast tissue. They require monitoring after placement for rupture and can be more expensive in the long run. Saline implants can be filled after placement, meaning a smaller incision can be made during the procedure. In addition, if rupture were to occur, the body naturally absorbs the saline.
Another consideration when it comes to implant type is deciding on the texture of the implant. Implants can be smooth or textured depending on the desired outcome. Smooth implants create a more natural motion similar to breast tissue while textured implants remain more firmly in place.
Incision Location
One of the most concerning aspects of a breast augmentation for many women is the potential scarring. Many women ask us about the location of the incision made during the procedure. Incision location is decided on a case-by-case basis depending on the patient’s body, implant type, size and desired outcome. Incisions can be made in the armpit, in the crease on the underside of the breast and around the areola.
Implant Placement
One of the most confusing decisions when it comes to breast augmentation is whether to have the implant placed above or below the muscle. Breast tissue is located on top of the muscle, so for decades implants were placed on top of the muscle exclusively. Now doctors know that the procedure can be successful both ways depending on the individual situation.
Whether to place the implant above or below the muscle is a decision that depends on each patient’s body and the type of implant, as well. During your consultation, Dr. Wortham will discuss which placement is best for you.
For more information about breast augmentations or to schedule a consultation, call us today at Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center at 425-744-7771.