Whenever you are having problems with your leg veins, you may often find yourself struggling with the symptoms produced by the condition. You may also struggle with the thoughts of the appearance issues that the condition causes. If you are facing a situation like this, you have likely thought about ways to improve your condition and make the problem veins go away. Of all the treatment methods that are used today for the removal of problem veins, sclerotherapy is the oldest. It has been around since the 1930s and is still widely used because of the benefits it produces. It is also an easy procedure for medical professionals to administer, and it can be done with minimal risks of adverse side effects.
Sclerotherapy is done when a solution that is formulated to irritate the walls of the veins is injected into the targeted vessels. This solution also thickens the blood inside those veins. The vessel then closes off and turns into scar tissue, which the body will begin to absorb. Over the course of the following months, the tissue that was once a problem vein will disappear from view.
Varicose veins are one of the most common vascular problems that occur in the legs. They can develop because blood starts to pool inside the veins. There are some one-way valves inside the veins that are there to prevent the blood from flowing in the wrong direction due to forces like the pull of gravity acting on the blood when it is being pumped in an upward direction. If these valves fail to function properly, the blood can back up and start to pool, putting too much pressure against the vessel walls. The pressure will then cause them to become enlarged, allowing space for the pooling of the blood inside. These enlarged veins become varicose and can be seen through the skin. They can also cause bulges.
Spider veins are common in the legs as well. They are similar to varicose veins, except for the size. They develop in the smaller vessels that branch off from the larger ones in order to provide blood flow to all the necessary tissue in the body. When they are no longer carrying blood sufficiently, they become visible in a way that can resemble the legs or web of a spider. While they seldom cause any risks to one’s health or produce symptoms, they can impact the appearance. Fortunately for those who have the condition, sclerotherapy works well as a treatment option.
Sclerotherapy does not require any time away from a person’s normal activities for recovery. After leaving our office, most people resume their regular routines at once. If you have the procedure done, our specialist may actually recommend walking to ensure optimal results.
If you are looking for ways to improve the appearance and eliminate any symptoms your problem leg veins are causing, you should make an appointment at the Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center, with offices in Lynnwood and Mount Vernon. We can give you more detail about sclerotherapy and let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!