Individuals who have had a neck lift have been able to enjoy many benefits and see an improvement in their appearance. Before the neck lift procedure, they felt very self-conscious about the extra skin and wrinkles they had underneath their chin. After the procedure, they felt happy to show their neck, no longer feeling unsatisfied with its appearance.
While a person is likely to enjoy many benefits because of the neck lift, it is extremely important for an individual to choose the appropriate time to have this procedure done. Of course, each individual is going to be different. They are going to have different needs and goals. The best way for you to find out more about a neck lift and when is the right time for you to get one is to schedule a consultation with our triple Board Certified surgeon. During this consultation, Dr. Wortham will be able to give you in-depth information about the procedure, consider your overall health, ask you about your goals, and then help you to make a solid decision.
If you are at a point where nothing is giving you the results you want, it may be time for you to consider a neck lift. While it is a surgical procedure, it is a very safe procedure that has been able to deliver fantastic results. You can feel confident knowing that when you go into the procedure you will come out with a tighter and more youthful looking neck.
During the procedure, Dr. Wortham will work to smooth out skin, tighten your neck muscles, and get rid of any loose skin. It is important that after the procedure you follow the guidelines we give you in order to recover quickly and properly. The full recovery time can typically take a week or more, though most patients return to work after a few days. Once you have fully recovered, you can look forward to seeing the many benefits of neck lift surgery for years to come.
There is no need to wait any longer to get rid of excess skin under your chin and neck. To schedule a consultation today, you can contact our office at the Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center. We would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have about the procedure. The procedure can give you a whole new level of renewed confidence and help you to feel great about the way you look. Contact us today in Lynnwood or Mount Vernon!