The neck skin often begins to sag as we approach our middle-age years. The effects of gravity and the loss of supportive tissue beneath the skin are the primary culprits. Also, the skin itself becomes more brittle, holds less moisture and contains less collagen and nutrients. The result is visible folding, horizontal and vertical crease lines and even sagging along the jawline.
A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, can help to minimize the effects by pulling the skin upward. It is a simple cosmetic procedure that is similar to a facelift. The results will vary depending on the severity of the problem, the thickness of the skin and the overall skin strength. For most individuals, a neck lift can take years off their appearance, and the results are quite long-lasting.
What the Treatment Involves
We will schedule a consultation and take a close look at the neck skin and jawline. If excess fat has been deposited along the jaw or below the skin of the upper neck, it can be removed during a neck lift procedure. If muscle banding is occurring on the upper neck or if a turkey wattle has formed, these can also be smoothed out.
During a typical neck lift procedure, the skin is lifted up a bit and held in place with a special tool. We can then look underneath and determine whether any excess tissue, such as fat deposits, needs to be removed. In some cases, we will also remove a bit of muscle tissue.
After the Surgery
This type of procedure smooths out the skin and reduces the appearance of banding, creasing and wrinkling. The visual results are immediately noticeable, but the skin will continue to flatten and smooth out over the next several weeks.
Long-Lasting Results
The visual results are often amazing to the client. The skin is smoother, looks more even-toned and there is far less wrinkling or creasing. In most cases, the resulting skin tone can last for several years.
Contact Our Office for Information
With locations in Lynnwood and Mount Vernon, the Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center provides complete consultation services and neck lift procedures. Before choosing this treatment, come to our office for a consultation, during which you’ll learn all the facts about the procedure. If you are a candidate, a neck lift can greatly enhance your appearance and make you look years younger. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more.