It is not uncommon for Bellevue and surrounding residents to seek out the services of a plastic surgeon to correct facial irregularities or issues with the body. Plastic surgery has lost most of its former stigma. Even men are increasingly taking advantage of these procedures to enhance their aesthetics. Plastic surgery procedures can enhance both your appearance and self-esteem. Some of the most common include rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, and a facelift.
Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job”, is the surgical correction of the nose in function, appearance, or both. It can be used to treat the nose in terms of its facial balance, nose width or the size and position of the nostrils, or nasal asymmetry. A rhinoplasty procedure can also correct nasal bumps, bridge depressions, or overly large nostrils. Although rhinoplasty is commonly thought of as a purely cosmetic procedure, it can also be used to correct a deviated septum that obstructs breathing.
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery is another common plastic surgery procedure used to enhance the appearance of the eyelids, which can droop over the eyes due to aging or significant weight gain. It may be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both.
Since droopy eyelids are a common sign of aging, many people seek to correct them through surgery. This procedure can treat sagging skin that forms folds or detracts from the natural shape of the upper eyelids, which can impair vision in some cases. The surgery also helps with fat deposits that cause puffiness around the eyelids. It can help treat bags under the eyes and excessive skin and wrinkles around the lower eyelids.
A facelift is the surgery most people think of when the subject of plastic surgery arises. This surgical procedure diminishes signs of aging on the face and neck by relaxing and/or removing the facial skin that leads to sagging. A facelift helps correct deep fold lines around the corners of the mouth or nose. It also treats fat that has fallen or disappeared, as well as jowls and loose skin around the neck area.
Get Started By Scheduling a Consultation
If you are considering plastic surgery in the Bellevue area, it is important to have realistic expectations regarding the procedure and the results. Make an appointment at Cosmetic Surgical Arts Center, with offices in Lynnwood and Mount Vernon, to get all the facts about plastic surgery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!